George Quote #516
Quote from George in The Movie
Man: Do you have your stub?
George: My stub? Who keeps the stub? No one holds on to the stub. I'm going to the movies for 25 years, nobody ever asked me for the stub. You don't remember me?
Man: It's a big city, sir.
George: I went in with a pretty woman. You know, short, big wall of hair, face like a frying pan.
Man: Nope.
Seinfeld Quotes
‘The Movie’ Quotes
Quote from Jerry
Jerry: What's with the age gap hiring policy at most movie theaters? Did you ever notice, they never hire anyone between the ages of fifteen and eighty, you know what I mean? Like, the girl that sells you the ticket, she's ten. Then there's the guy who rips the ticket, he's a hundred and two. So, what happened in the middle, there? You couldn't find anybody? It's like they want to show you how life comes full circle. You know, you're fifteen, you sell the tickets. Then you leave, you go out, you have a family, kids, marriage, career, grandchildren. Eighty years later, you're back in the same theater three feet away. Ripping tickets. Took you eighty years to move three feet.
Quote from Kramer
Kramer: Will you do me a favor? If you see a guy who's about 5 foot 11, he's got a big head and flared nostrils,
tell him his friend's gonna be right back, okay?
Quote from George
George: Excuse me, have you seen a guy with, like, a horse face, big teeth and a pointed nose?
Cashier: Flared nostrils?
George: Yeah.
Cashier: Nope. Haven't seen him.