Jerry Quote #592
Quote from Jerry in The Airport
Jerry: Have you noticed that everything on planes is always tiny? There's always tiny food, tiny liquor bottles, tiny pillows, tiny bathroom, tiny sink, tiny soap. Everyone's in a cramped seat, working on a tiny computer. There's always a small problem "There'll be a slight delay. We'll be a bit late. If you could be a little patient. We're just trying to get one of those little trucks to pull us up just a little closer to the jetway so you can walk down the narrow hallway. There'll be a man there in a tight suit and he'll tell you you have very little time to make your connecting flight. So move it!''.
Seinfeld Quotes
‘The Airport’ Quotes
Quote from Elaine
Attendant: Excuse me. Excuse me!
Elaine: What? Oh, no, nothing for me thanks.
Attendant: What is your name?
Elaine: Elaine Benes?
Attendant: [checks her list] Hmm. You're going to have to go back to coach.
Elaine: No, but there was nobody sitting here.
Attendant: Yes, but you're still not allowed. These seats are very expensive.
Elaine: Oh, no. Please, don't send me back there. Please, I'll do anything. It's so nice up here. It's so comfortable up here. I don't want to go back there. Please don't send me back there! Oh, you got cookies.
Attendant: You're going to have to go back to your seat!
Elaine: Okay, fine. I'll go back... You know, our goal should be a society without classes. [after returning to coach] Do you realize that the people up here are getting cookies!
Quote from Kramer
Kramer: If anything, we'll probably get there early. I'll have a chance to go to the Duty Free shop.
George: The Duty Free Shop? Duty free is the biggest sucker deal in retail. Do you know how much duty is?
Kramer: Duty.
George: Yeah, "duty". Do you know how much duty is?
Kramer: No, I dunno how much duty is.
George: Duty is nothing. It's like sales tax...
Kramer: Well, I'd still like to stop at the Duty Free Shop.
Quote from George
Prisoner: Gotta get my TIME magazine. Never miss my TIME magazine.
Guard: Yeah, get your magazine and let's get out of here.
Prisoner: Hey, I was gonna take that!
George: Gee, I'm sorry... I got here first.
Prisoner: I don't care when you got here, I want the magazine...
George: You don't understand, there's a blurb about me in this magazine!
Prisoner: A blurb?!? You're a blurb! Check out the cover, idiot!
Guard: All right, let's go...
[George turns over the magazine to find a picture of the prisoner on the front-cover with the title "Caught"]
Prisoner: I want the magazine!
George: Um, no.
Prisoner: You know what I would do to you, if I wasn't in these shackles...
George: But you are, Blanche. You are in the shackles. [chuckles] Oh, I can't wait to read my TIME magazine! Last copy, too. Maybe I'll read it tomorrow, in the park! It's supposed to be a beautiful day! Have a nice life... sentence, that is! You miserable...