Quote from George in The Summer of George
Doctor: Mr. Costanza, your legs have sustained extensive trauma. Apparently, your body was in a state of advanced atrophy due to a period of extreme inactivity. But with a lot of hard work and a little bit of luck, I think there's a good chance you may, one day, walk again. [leaves] Kramer: Well, that's good news. Elaine: Wow, invitations again. [scoffs] Kramer: Yeah, that's weird. Elaine: All right. Well... [Jerry sighs] Do you want to grab some coffee? Jerry: Yeah. Kramer: I'd like to get some coffee. [Jerry, Kramer and Elaine leave George laying on a hospital bed in the middle of the corridor] George: This was supposed to be the Summer of George! [weakly] The Summer of George!