Quote from Elaine in The Sponge
Pharmacist: Can I help you? Elaine: Yeah, do you have any Today Sponges? I know they're off the market, but... Pharmacist: Actually, we have a case left. Elaine: A case! A case of Sponges? I mean, uh...a case. Huh. Uh...how many come in a case? Pharmacist: Sixty. Elaine: Sixty?! Uh. well, I'll take three. Pharmacist: Three. Elaine: Make it ten. Pharmacist: Ten? Elaine: Twenty Sponges should be plenty. Pharmacist: Did you say twenty? Elaine: Yeah, twenty-five Sponges is just fine. Pharmacist: Right. So, you're set with twenty-five. Elaine: Yeah. Yeah. Just give me the whole case and I'll be on my way.