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Quote from Kramer in The Big Salad

Elaine: Oh, how did you end up playing golf with him?
Kramer: Well, I met him on the course a couple of years ago. Yeah. Played with him a lot. But today was it! We're on the fifteenth hole. Yeah, he's beating me by a couple of strokes. Then, he's about to hit his second shot, when, he picks up the ball and cleans it.
Elaine: So what?
Kramer: Umph! Sorry! But the rules clearly state that you cannot clean the ball unless it's on the green. The rules are very clear about that.
Jerry: Certainly are.
Kramer: Yeah, so I penalized him a stroke.
Jerry: Ah, so what happened?
Kramer: He lost it! We almost came to blows. We're like face to face, like a manager and an umpire. We're like, [rabid] "Hey, what are you talking about?!" "You think I'm gonna put up with that?!"
Jerry: All right. You're in my face.
Elaine: I still don't see what the big deal is.
Kramer: A rule is a rule. And let's face it, without rules there's chaos.

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