Quote from Kramer in The Keys
Kramer: George, it's time for us to grow up, and be men. Not little boys. George: Why? Kramer: I'm going to California. You know, I got the bug. George: Yeah, I think I got a touch of something, too. Kramer: No, the acting bug. Ever since I was in that Woody Allen movie. George: "These pretzels are making me thirsty"? That was one line! You got fired! Kramer: I know, I know, but man! I never felt so alive! Now, are you coming with me? George: Uh, no, I'm not. Kramer: All right, suit yourself. But let's keep this between us. We're key brothers now. [Gets up to leave.] George: You're not really gonna go to California, are you? Kramer: [points to his head] Up here, I'm already gone. [exits]