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Quote from George in The Pez Dispenser

Old Guy: The male kangaroo doesn't have a pouch only the female has it. The male has pouch envy.
Elaine: [chuckles]
Old Guy: "Why should she have this huge pouch and I have nothing? I have things to carry too. At least give me a pocket."
Elaine: [laughs]
[As Elaine laughs, Noel turns to Elaine. Elaine tries to cover it with a cough.]
Noel: That laugh. That's the laugh. That's it. You're the one.
Elaine: No, no. It was an accident. It really wasn't my fault. It was Jerry. Jerry put a PEZ dispenser on my leg.
Noel: You put a PEZ dispenser on her leg during my recital?
Jerry: I didn't know she would laugh.
Noel: And you, you lied to me George, you lied to me.
George: No, I, uh... Um... Wh- Wh- What did I do?
Noel: I ... am breaking up with you!
George: You can't break up with me. I've got hand.
Noel: And you're going to need it.

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