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Quote from George in The Pez Dispenser

Jerry: I know. You told me you like her. Everything is going good.
George: No, everything is not going good. I'm very uncomfortable. I have no power. I mean, why should she have the upper hand. Once in my life I would like the upper hand. I have no hand. No hand at all. She has the hand. I have no hand.
Jerry: Hand me that, would you?
George: Yeah, sure. How do I get the hand?
Jerry: We all want the hand. Hand is tough to get. You gotta get the hand right from the opening.
George: She's playing a recital this week at the McBierny School. You wanna hear her play? I got two extra tickets, you and Elaine could go...
Jerry: Yeah, that sounds like something.
George: Then afterwards maybe we could all go out together. You know, she'll see me with my friends, she'll observe me as I really am, as myself. Maybe I can get some hand that way.

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