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Quote from Kramer in The Pez Dispenser

Jerry: Remember Richie Appel?
Kramer: Oh sure, the guy I told to pour the Gatorade that killed Marty Benson?
Jerry: Right. Well, John Molika is organizing some kind of intervention for him. We're having it here.
Kramer: Can I get in on that?
Jerry: What do you think? It's like a poker game?
Kramer: Is Elaine going?
Jerry: Yeah.
Kramer: Well, I knew him as well as she did.
Jerry: Yeah, but John invited her.
Kramer: So what are you saying, you don't want me to intervene?
Jerry: No, intervene. Go intervene all you want. I am just afraid you might be interfering while we're intervening.

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