Quote from George in The Baby Shower
George: She dragged me down to that warehouse on the waterfront in Brooklin to see one of her "performances". Jerry: Oh, and she's on stage cooking dinner onstage for some celebrity? George: God! She's cooking dinner for God! She's yelling and screaming, and the next thing I know, she throws a big can of chocolate syrup all over my new red shirt. Elaine: It was an accident! George: Oh, yeah, sure. Accident, right. She was aiming right at me like she was putting out a fire! Then, for the rest of the show, I'm sitting there with chocolate all over my shirt. Flies are landing on me. I'm boiling - I'm fantasizing all the things I'm gonna say when I see her. And later, finally, backstage when I talk to her, I'm a groveling worm. "What kind of chocolate was that? Do you throw any other foods?" Jerry: [to Elaine] he thought he still had a shot. George: And then, then, then she leaves with somebody else! Never even, never even said goodbye! Never called me back.. Never apologized. Nothing. Like I was dirt. Jerry: What ever happened with the shirt? George: I still have it. The collar's okay. I wear it under sweaters.