Quote from Elaine in The Soup Nazi
Elaine: I mean, you know, I've never been so insulted in my entire life. There's something really wrong with this man. He is a Soup Nazi. What? What is that? Jerry: I don't know. "5 cups chopped poricini mushrooms, half a cup of olive oil, 3 pounds of celery, chopped parsley..." Elaine: Let me see this. [gasps] You know what this is? This is a recipe for soup, and look at this. There are like thirty different recipes. These are his recipes! Jerry: So? Elaine: So? So, his secret's out. Don't you see? I could give these to every restaurant in town. I could have 'em published! I could- I could drop fliers from a plane above the city. Jerry: Wait a second, Elaine. Where do you think you're going? Elaine: What do you care? Jerry: Elaine, I don't want you causing any trouble down at that soup stand. I happen to love that soup. Elaine: Get out of my way, Jerry. Jerry: Elaine, let the man make his soup! Elaine: Don't make me hurt you, Jerry.