Quote from Jerry in The Letter
Jerry: Wait, wait a second! Go back, go back to that. Elaine: It's Chapter 2. It's Neil Simon. Jerry: Wait a second. Wait a second. My God. The letter. That's the letter. Elaine: What letter? Jerry: This is the letter she wrote to me. She stole it right from the movie! Jerry: [in unison with the woman on TV] "...'cause you don't even make the slightest effort to offer happiness still know that I love you!" George: This is incredible. Jerry: I always thought there was something funny about this letter. She's copied it right out of Chapter 2. She's a thief, a bunko-artist! George: Maybe I won't send her that check. Elaine: You know, it's not really that terrible. Jerry: What are you talking about? She completely misrepresented herself. I don't opt for happiness? I opt for happiness. James Caan doesn't opt for happiness!