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Quote from Jerry in The Cafe

Babu Bhatt: Welcome to the Dream Cafe.
Jerry: Well, I've been looking forward to it.
Babu Bhatt: Oh, how did you hear about us?
Jerry: Eh, people, people are talking.
Babu Bhatt: Smoking or non-smoking? We are proud to offer both.
Jerry: Non-smoking would be great.
Babu Bhatt: Very good. My name is Babu Bhatt, I will be your waiter. A steaming hot face cloth for your pleasure.
Jerry: Thank you. [throws the cloth around like a hot potato]
Babu Bhatt: Our specials are tacos, moussaka, and franks and beans.
Jerry: Well, what do you recommend my good fellow?
Babu Bhatt: Oh, the turkey.
Jerry: Oh, the turkey it'll be. And may I say you have a splendid establishment here , my friend. I'm sure you will flourish in this location for many many years.
Babu Bhatt: You're a very kind man. Very kind, thank you. Very kind.
Jerry: [inner monologue] Very kind. I am a kind man. Who else would do something like this? Nobody. Nobody thinks about people like I do. All right, snap out of it you stupid jerk. You're eating a turkey sandwich. What do want, a Nobel price?

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