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Quote from George in The Truth

Elaine: How would you like it if someone told you the truth?
George: Like what? What could they say?
Elaine: There are plenty of things to say.
George: Like what? I'm bald? What is it specifically? Is, is there an odor I'm not aware of?
Elaine: George, please.
George: Give me one.
Elaine: You sure?
George: Yes.
Elaine: What?
Elaine: Forget it. You are very careful with money.
George: I'm cheap? You think I'm cheap? How could you say that to me? I can't believe this! How could you say that to me?
Elaine: You asked me to.
George: You should have lied.
Elaine: Huh, so should you.
Jerry: Okay, wait a second. Wait a second. What happened to my papers?
George: I mean I'm not really working right now.
Elaine: I know.
George: When I was working, I spent baby!
Jerry: Yeah, I know champagne, limos, cigars.

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