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Quote from Jerry in The Smelly Car

Jerry: So, this morning I go down to the garage to check the car out. I figure by this time, the odor molecules have had at least twelve hours to "de-smellify". I open the car door, like a punch in the face, the stench hits me. It's almost as if it had gained strength throughout the night.
Elaine: You know, I can think of at least six known offensive odors that I would rather smell than what's living in your car.
Jerry: What about skunk?
Elaine: I don't mind skunk.
Jerry: Horse manure?
Elaine: I love horse manure.
Jerry: Well, I've never seen anything like this in my life. In fact, I went to the car wash, they want 250 dollars to detail it, and get the smell out. I'm not paying for that. That's not my responsibility. In fact, I'm driving up to that restaurant now, and demand they pay for it.

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