Janitor Quote #411
Quote from Janitor in My Manhood
Janitor: Well, it's official. The Janitorial is a hit. But no time to rest. We got to get another issue out before lunch.
Doug: But we just put one out this morning.
Janitor: Doug, The Janitorial is a tri-daily. But let's hold out on the meeting until Ted gets here.
Ted: I'm right here. I bought you that scone.
Janitor: Huh, I thought the manager gifted it to me for not running that expos on how Coffee Bucks beans are picked by dirty river monkeys. [Ted spits out his coffee] I'm kidding, Ted. [Ted drinks] Actually, I wasn't kidding. [Ted spits out]
Scrubs Quotes
‘My Manhood’ Quotes
Quote from Elliot
Elliot: I'm so sorry that they're forcing you out. I feel horrible.
Dr. Kelso: Aw, sweetheart, you should. It's your fault.
Elliot: Look, I'll talk to the Board. I am so great at changing people's minds. My best friend in college thought he was gay, but I totally convinced him that he was into women. After that, he had a ton of girlfriends. Until senior year when he hung himself.
Dr. Kelso: Why is it that so many of your stories end with, "And then he hung himself"?
Elliot: Bad luck, I guess.
Quote from Doug
J.D.: [v.o.] After putting a beat down on Turk, the last thing I wanted to do was be lame and hide in a supply closet.
[Turk laughs as he opens the supply closet, only to find it's empty]
J.D.: [v.o.] That's why I chose down here.
J.D.: Why are you here?
Doug: After all these years of putting on toe tags, I sort of developed a foot fetish. And you get tired of looking at dead ones, you know?
J.D.: No, Doug, I don't.
Quote from Elliot
Carla: It's too bad we can't just call John's brothers and tell them that he needs them.
Elliot: I know. Stupid doctor-patient confidentiality. It's like wearing a muzzle. Like last month, one of my patients asks out Nurse Rollins, and I couldn't even warn her that I'm treating the guy for a horrible case of mono. Now she has it and her grandfather has it. I don't know, she wouldn't say.