Janitor Quote #282
Quote from Janitor in His Story III
Nurse: [to Mr. McNair] Knock, knock.
Janitor: [v.o.] Who's there? Nurse Mophead. Nurse Mophead, who? You have a mophead.
Nurse: Well, your new computer should be here tonight.
Janitor: [to Mr. McNair] She got out of here in a hurry, didn't she? I know what that's like, when people say the bare minimum to you. But with me it's usually, "Mop that floor. Clean that counter. Stop provoking that bear." Want me to keep you company? I don't mind. I'm just working on my own stuff anyway. I'm a bit of an inventor. I'm gonna show you my latest one: Pen straw. Perfect. Ahem! Except I don't like that cola. It tastes like ink.
Scrubs Quotes
‘His Story III’ Quotes
Quote from Carla
Carla: Keith, you better not tell her who did it.
Keith: But Elliot scares me.
Carla: Elliot is a blonde, 108-pound ski pole from a cul-de-sac in Connecticut. I am an underpaid pregnant nurse from the block, who, over the next six months, will become fatter and angrier. Now, who are you really afraid of?
Keith: The fatty.
Carla: Be careful, Keith.
Quote from Janitor
Janitor: [singing] Drill-fork It can drill and fork Mostly fork.
Quote from Dr. Cox
Dr. Cox: You're black? 'cause, last I checked, you had a nerdy white best friend, you enjoy Neil Diamond, and you damn sure act like a black guy. And these, my friend, are all characteristics of white guys. Now, please understand, I'm a huge supporter of the NAACP. I mean, if you don't know what stands for, that is the National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People. And quite frankly, I always thought they should change the "Colored People" to "African-Americans." But then of course it wouldn't be the NAACP, it would be the "N quad A," or NAAAA. And I know this probably sounds like a digression, but it actually leads me back to my original point: Do I think you're black? Nah.