Todd Quote #34
Quote from Todd in My Brother, My Keeper
Todd: The vascular surgeon on call said to say you could pick up your patient this evening. He also said to say he could give you a loaner patient if you needed someone to butcher until then, but I didn't really get it.
Dr. Townshend: No one expects you to, son.
Todd: Okay, thanks.
Scrubs Quotes
‘My Brother, My Keeper’ Quotes
Quote from Elliot
Dr. Cox: Barbie! Listen, I need you to go to the lab and get Mrs. Miller's bloodwork. I also need you to disimpact Mr. Burnett in 317 and what did you say the sex of the child was?
Elliot: I've got a better idea. You do those things, and when you're done, I'll think about telling you the sex.
Dr. Cox: Oh, that's weird. It seems like you just went to a swap meet and got yourself a big-boy spine. Now, listen, you tell or else.
Elliot: Or else what? You'll treat me worse than you usually do? Here's the inside scoop, Perry. For the first time, I have leverage. You're familiar with leverage? It's what you're going to need it when you disimpact Mr. Burnett, who, by the way, is so locked up I guess he's been eating either gum, rubber cement or cork.
Dr. Cox: Look, Barbie.
Elliot: Yeah, that's not my name.
Dr. Cox: Fine. Doctor... Reid? Really?
Elliot: What?
Dr. Cox: Nothing. [exits]
Elliot: Elliot Reid in the house!
Quote from Dr. Cox
Dr. Gerson: So, are we finding out the sex of the baby today?
Dr. Cox: Yes, we are.
Jordan: No, we're not.
Dr. Cox: Jordan, be reasonable. If you're incubating some kind of man-bat in there, we should find out as soon as possible. There are vaccinations to consider.
Quote from Dr. Kelso
J.D.: Sir, Dr. Townshend here was telling me you have some great old stories about the hospital. I'd love to hear one sometime.
Dr. Kelso: Well, what the hell. Back in '68... I don't like you. The end.
Dr. Townshend: He tells that one a lot.
J.D.: I know.