J.D. Quote #1232
Quote from J.D. in My Déjà Vu, My Déjà Vu
Dr. Cox: OK, here's a bud clearly in need of nipping. Newbie, there are some things that, if they happen, we do want to make a big deal out of them: a cure for cancer, teaching dogs to talk, and you actually managing to walk past the food cart without referring to cream cheese as "cow fudge."
J.D.: I like to play with words.
Dr. Cox: However, of all the things there are to make a big deal out of, can my return to this hellhole please, please, please not be one of them?
J.D.: Well, sure thing, Perry. But, uh, there is one problem.
[J.D. unzips his hoodie to reveal a t-shirt reading "Welcome Back Coxer" with a picture of Dr. Cox with a lot of hair. After Dr. Cox opens the doors to the cafeteria, his colleagues start singing:]
All: Welcome back Your dreams were your ticket out Welcome back To that same old place that you laughed about
J.D.: Well, the names have all changed since you hung around And them dreams have remained since you turned around
Carla: J.D.
J.D.: That's when the background comes in. [singing] Who'd have thought they'd lead you? Who'd have thought they'd lead you? [talking] That's a run I was gonna do, but now is awkward.
Dr. Cox: It's unbelievable.
Scrubs Quotes
‘My Déjà Vu, My Déjà Vu’ Quotes
Quote from Dr. Cox
Elliot: Look who's back, Mrs. Goldstein. It's Dr. Cox.
Mrs. Goldstein: How was Acapulco?
Elliot: We told everyone you were in Acapulco.
Dr. Cox: I never went to Acapulco, Mrs. Goldstein. I lost three patients and spent the last two weeks on my couch trying to drink myself to death so that my victims and I could be reunited in the afterlife and they could rightly have their vengeance. Then, I realized that that tactic would never work, as I'd be sent straight to hell, which, I imagine is actually a lot like Acapulco, only there would be fewer Latin men trying to sell me Chiclets on the beach. All the best.
Quote from Dr. Kelso
Elliot: Did you guys just see that? Dr. Cox had to make a decision, he completely froze.
Carla: He's probably just thinking it over, Elliot.
Elliot: He never used to think things over. He would just make gut calls right away.
Dr. Kelso: Listen, Reid, normally any damage to Dr. Cox's oversized ego would be cause for celebration. And yet, for some reason, I'm not wearing a party hat, sitting bare-ass on the hospital's copier machine. You know why? It's not because I have "Johnny" tattooed on my butt. He was an old Navy buddy and if you went through what we did, you'd understand.
J.D.: [v.o.] Again with the déjà vu.
Dr. Kelso: It's because your little theory is way off.
Quote from J.D.
J.D.: Dude, I'd be a mess if I had to give up my joe. I have a full-blown addiction. Hopefully, that won't come back to haunt me.
[fantasy: a mustachioed J.D. finds a coffee maker under his teenage son's bed:]
J.D.: Where did you get this? Who taught you how to use this thing?
Billy: You, all right? I learned from watching you!
J.D.: Damn it, Billy! At least he's using good beans.
J.D.: Guess I'm gonna look like a porn star when I'm older.