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My Student

‘My Student’

Season 1, Episode 17 - Aired March 5, 2002

J.D., Turk and Elliot each get a med student to mentor.

Quote from Turk

Dr. Cox: Where were we?
Kristen: Well, I told you my parents were still married and then you yelled at me.
Dr. Cox: Right. Of course I did. That's me all over.
Kristen: Why are you washing your hands?
Dr. Cox: I don't honestly know, to tell you the truth. I guess I don't have anything of interest to say.
Turk: I got something to say. Dr. Cox, you are an attending, so you should know it's entirely inappropriate for you to be sniffing around this woman all day long! And you! You are a med student who should be learning from me, but every time I turn around, you're talking to him. So I'm telling you, I forbid you to get involved with that guy.
Kristen: Sorry, doctor.
Dr. Cox: You do realize, of course, that you just effectively signed your own death warrant.
Turk: Dude, do you, like, know any women at all?


Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Cox: You wanna know something?
Kristen: What?
Dr. Cox: I feel like I'm using you to get past another person.
Kristen: That's not as sexy as you think it is.
Dr. Cox: It's this nurse. This unavailable nurse? I swear... Look, Kristen, I think you're great, but this whole thing's just not fair to you.
Kristen: Yeah. If it's OK with you, I think I'll go ahead and decide what's fair to me.
Dr. Cox: That works for everybody.
Kristen: Perry?
Dr. Cox: Actually, I prefer "Dr. Cox".
Kristen: You like strong women, don't you?
Dr. Cox: Are you kidding me? They're the only ones I let ruin my life.

Quote from Elliot

Philip: Dr. Reid, I wrote out your admission orders and got the blood cultures you wanted.
Elliot: Good. Now, beat it. I'm eating.
Carla: Elliot, you ball-buster!
Elliot: I know! Isn't it great?

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] I think a lot of us freak out when med students come because it feels like being forced to accept new people into your family. It changes everything. Me, I was more struck by how these Newbies made me look at myself. Who I used to be, who I am now, and who I might some day become. But hopefully, not too soon.

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