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My Porcelain God

‘My Porcelain God’

Season 3, Episode 13 -  Aired February 17, 2004

J.D. and Dr. Casey (Michael J. Fox) discover the janitor has installed a toilet on the roof, which becomes the scene of epiphanies for the hospital staff. After Dr. Kelso closes down an entire wing of the hospital, Dr. Cox and Carla get revenge by using Kelso's office as a patient room. J.D. is hurt to find out he wasn't Turk's first choice for best man. After Elliot loses her confidence following trouble intubating a patient, she feels like the only person who Dr. Casey hasn't helped.

Quote from Dr. Kelso

J.D.: [v.o.] I'm running a little late this morning, but that's okay because I've been working with Dr. Casey the last few weeks. You see, he has Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and he likes to start each day the same way...
Dr. Casey: Bink. Bink.
J.D.: [v.o.] Bink by touching everything in his first patient's room.
Dr. Casey: Bink, bink bink, bink, bink bink Bink, bink, bink, bink, bink, bink, bink, bink, bink, bink.
Dr. Kelso: Good morning, doctors.
J.D.: [v.o.] He touches everything.
Dr. Casey: [touching Kelso's nose] Bink.
Dr. Kelso: Oh, okay. I suppose that's how they say good morning in Cuckoo Town.
Dr. Casey: Pretty much. Bink.


Quote from Elliot

J.D.: And get this, he calls it his "epiphany toilet".
Elliot: Yeah, you couldn't pay me to poop on the roof.
Turk: No one's offering.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: You're like Dr. Casey. I think he said using that toilet would be like his Everest.
Dr. Casey: Using that toilet would be my Everest. [they hold hands]
J.D.: Yep, that's what he said.

Quote from J.D.

Carla: [quietly] Ask him.
Turk: [quietly] Why?
Carla: [normally] J.D., Turk wants to ask you something, and it would mean a lot to the both of us if you said yes.
J.D.: [v.o.] Oh, my God! Would I have a threesome with Turk and Carla? Well, it's certainly flattering, and I don't think they'd tell anyone.
Turk: Will you be my best man?
J.D.: Oh.
Turk: Huh?
J.D.: I mean, yeah! Of course!

Quote from J.D.

Elliot: So is this, like, the best moment you guys have ever had?
[flashback to J.D. making a bowl of cereal:]
J.D.: A decoder ring. Heh. Turk!
Turk: What?
J.D.: It finally happened.
Turk: A double-prizer?
[J.D. and Turk celebrate]
J.D.: That was awesome.
Carla: You guys realize you're doctors, right?
J.D.: Double secret decoder ring-wearing doctors.
Both: Activate.
J.D.: Form of an ice menorah!

Quote from Dr. Kelso

J.D.: [v.o.] The reason I'm gurney surfing - aside from the fact that it's totally bitchin is that Kelso shut down this whole wing.
Turk: Dude, I gotta go.
J.D.: Oh, no! [crashes] Oh!
J.D.: [v.o.] You see, a census said that hospital admissions dropped in February. The census was wrong.
Carla: Dr. Kelso! Where are we gonna fit these people? They're all sick!
Dr. Kelso: It's not my job to take care of sick people.
Dr. Cox: "Bob Kelso - Healer".
Dr. Kelso: Closing that wing saves us about sixty thousand dollars a month. You got that on you?

Quote from Nurse Roberts

J.D.: [v.o.] It's weird how much Dr. Casey has influenced me in such a short time.
J.D.: Bink!
Nurse Roberts: Hey! Bink you!

Quote from Todd

Elliot: What's he doing?
Turk: He's writing Dr. Casey a thank-you card.
Todd: I could use a little help here.
Turk: Todd, surgeon is spelled "-g-e-o-n"? And, uh, there are two Ds in "Todd".

Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Cox: [whistles] I'm sorry, does [whistles] mean stare at me like jackasses or does it mean get the hell over here?

Quote from Dr. Cox

Dr. Cox: Newbie, it turns out I, uh, I do have some best man advice. Go easy on the mascara in case you cry during your toast. And if you're gonna chase after the bouquet with all of the other girls, make sure you kick off your pumps so you don't snap one of those chicken ankles of yours.
J.D.: Thanks. Thanks for coming back.

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