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My Perspective

‘My Perspective’

Season 6, Episode 9 - Aired February 15, 2007

As J.D. deals with his break-up from Kim and struggles to find a place to live, he develops vasovagal syncope. After J.D. gets in trouble with his neighbors and the police, his friends finally tire of having to hear about his problems. Meanwhile, Turk ignores Dr. Kelso's advice not to be too honest with patients, and the Janitor goes on vacation.

Quote from Dr. Cox

J.D.: [v.o.] I'm such a total loser. My girlfriend and I broke up, I live in a tent. Plus, I feel sick enough to actually get checked out, and guess who's on call?
Dr. Cox: It doesn't look right.
J.D.: What? What is it?
Dr. Cox: You have a penis. Or that's what I think it is.
J.D.: It's a penis.
Dr. Cox: Fair enough.


Quote from Turk

J.D.: [v.o.] I wasn't the only one suffering. Turk's intern, Milos, was driving him nuts. See, Milos was already an accomplished surgeon in his war-torn homeland, but he still had to re-do his residency here.
Turk: Okay, everyone, let's take a look at that subcuticular stitch on Mr. Roth's chest. That is beautiful. We could all learn from whatever attending did that.
Milos: It was me. Would you like to take break? I finish taking frightened bunnies on rounds.
Turk: No, Milos, I would not like to take a break! I'm absolutely fine right here, thank you!
Milos: Okay, fine.
Turk: You know what? Everyone head down observation and check on Mr. Foley's arm reattachment. [everyone but Milos leaves] What? You don't think you can learn from seeing an actual arm reattachment, Milos?
Milos: I reattach child's arm once in rusty shell of car. I can still see their bodies that littered streets as my country burned to ground.

Quote from Turk

Turk: Milos is so lucky.
Carla: Turk, you're the only one in the world who would think that!
J.D.: Milos is so lucky.
Turk: That's what I'm saying!

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: Well, I read up on vasovagal syncope. To treat it I have to work on reducing my stress. At least Buzz agreed not to call the cops if I don't tell all the other neighbors Donna's barren.
Turk: Damn, dude, you've got it pretty rough.
J.D.: You hear that, everybody? I do have it rough, and that's coming from a man who knows a teensy bit about adversity. And why is that, Turk?
Turk: Because I'm black.
J.D.: No, because you have diabetes. What's hard about being black?

Quote from Dr. Cox

Turk: So you called this meeting to say we should lie more?
Dr. Cox: Sorry about that, Bobbo, but I'm gonna go and tell the truth whenever I damn will, please. For instance, your tie. It's hideous. In fact, its only redeeming quality is to divert attention from the very visible outline of your man-girdle.
Dr. Kelso: Too mean.

Quote from Nurse Roberts

Nurse Roberts: [over bullhorn] Bedpan race!
Turk: Put your bedpans on, Elliot.
Elliot: I thought we were carrying them.
Turk: Put 'em on!
Carla: Last one down gets to take care of J.D. Ready? Go!

Quote from J.D.

Elliot: I'm totally excited to be here, buddy. Let's start talking about your life.
J.D.: Okay, first I have to go to the bathroom. Do me a favor? Tie this string around your wrist. If you feel it tug, that means I'm down. Run in and check on me.

Quote from Turk

Brian: How is Izzy doing?
Turk: Wow, look at you remembering my daughter's name. I'm telling you, your short term memory is getting better.
Brian: No, I had the nurses write some stuff down. You see, apparently, I like bananas. And, whoa, I'm getting more surgery tomorrow?
Turk: You have a small bowel obstruction. Basically, the shrapnel in your stomach has caused scar tissue to form.
Brian: In Iraq, we prefer to think of shrapnel as internal body bling.
Turk: Wow, then bling bling.

Quote from Turk

Brian: So, hmm, have any of your patients ever died from this procedure?
Turk: Oh, yeah a couple of years ago. A guy had a bad reaction to anesthesia, but that's not gonna happen to you. You know what? We should have a nurse write that down.
Brian: I like bananas?
Dr. Kelso: [ghostly voiuce] You shouldn't have told him the truth... uth, uth, uth uth, uth, uth.
Turk: Dr. Kelso.
Dr. Kelso: uth.
Turk: You can "uth" all you want, but I'm not gonna B.S. Brian.

Quote from Elliot

[As Elliot holds a glass of beer, somebody tugs on the string tied to her wrist, spilling beer all over her chest]
Elliot: Whoever has the other end of this string, that's not funny! Wow, my boobs do look good when they're wet, don't they?
J.D.: Yeah, they do.

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