‘My Lunch’
Season 5, Episode 20 - Aired April 25, 2006
As the doctors try to keep three patients in need of organ transplants going, Dr. Cox and J.D. run into their annoying former patient, Jill Tracy (Nicole Sullivan), at a supermarket. Meanwhile, Carla and Elliot try to help the Todd come to terms with his sexuality, so he'll be less creepy towards women.
Quote from Todd
Elliot: Hey. What did you do last night?
Carla: Turk made me watch Anaconda with him.
Elliot: Ooh, is that the one with the giant snake?
Todd: No. This is the one with the giant snake. I was back here for 45 minutes waiting for a set-up. My back is killing me. But I nailed it. It's about commitment.
Quote from Dr. Cox
Dr. Cox: All right, people, gather around. Here we go. Now, I'm sure we all recognize just how rare it is to get a win like this. But seen as we are surrounded by patients who are clinging to life, I'm going to give kudos in whisper form. [whispers] Since I'm an egomaniac, first props come to me. Let me hear it, people.
Turk: [whispers] You are some kind of super hero.
Carla: [whispers] You're a god.
Elliot: [whispers] You're a beautiful healer.
Quote from J.D.
J.D.: [v.o.] We did all we could over the next few days to keep the transplant patients going, but odds were against us. First we lost Mrs. Sykes. And then Mr. Dennison. And I knew that Dr. Cox needed me the exact same way that I needed him earlier.
J.D.: Hey. Hungry?
Dr. Cox: No.
J.D.: I guess our lunch was kind of a one time thing, huh? There's no way you could have seen that coming. I mean, rabies? Come on. There's like three reported cases a year. In fact, testing for it would've been irresponsible. You would've wasted time those people didn't have.
Dr. Cox: I was obsessed with getting those organs.
J.D.: You had to be. The fact is that those people were gonna die in a number of hours and you had to make a call. I would've made the same call.
Dr. Cox: Yeah?
J.D.: Yes. And I got us lunch, and I think we should eat it.
J.D.: [v.o.] Right then, I knew I was gonna pull him out of this. But unfortunately sometimes the hospital picks a day where it's just gonna pile it on.
Dr. Cox: [both pagers beeping] Oh, God. Come on.
Quote from J.D.
J.D.: Hey, wanna go splitsies on some deli counter meatloaf? I can't finish a whole serving. I mean, I can, but I don't like to. It all goes right here.
Dr. Cox: My God. Could this be any more of a nightmare?
Jill Tracy: Guys!
J.D.: [v.o.] Yes, it could be more of a nightmare. Jill Tracy was a former patient who had once tried to kill herself. Sad, yes, but this did not change the fact that she was unbelievably annoying.
Quote from J.D.
Dr. Cox: You know what, Newbie? Stay. Have lunch. [whizzing sound]
J.D.: One of those emergencies. I should go too. How are things?
Rebecca: You know that's stealing.
J.D.: Oh, come on, Rebecca, everybody's doing it. I won't tell anyone if you don't.
Rebecca: Security!
J.D.: Security?
Rebecca: We've got a grazer.
J.D.: I don't think there's a security force. OK. Hey, fellas.
Jill Tracy: Wherever you're taking him, take me too. No, you go ahead.
J.D.: Where's the shaving cream? Is that aisle two still?
Quote from Dr. Cox
Elliot: We need to keep them going until we can find donors.
Dr. Cox: Alright, Barbie, check on Mrs. Sykes's ammonia level. She's encephalopathic. Gandhi, review Dennison's chart and get me a consent. Bobbo, get on the horn to your cronies at local hospitals and get me a donor update.
Dr. Kelso: Fine. Some of the boys are coming over tonight anyway. I'll bring it up to Morrison while he sets up the projector for the stag flicks.
Dr. Cox: Just the organs, Bob. Don't need the visual of old men with erections.
Carla: And now it's in my head forever.
Dr. Cox: Sorry. Go step up Davey Bradford's dialysis to take your mind off of it.
Quote from Dr. Cox
Dr. Cox: Newbie, feel like a sandwich?
J.D.: I do feel like a sandwich.
Dr. Cox: You feel more like a pastry. A very doughy pastry. I don't feel good about that. Way too easy.
Quote from Elliot
Carla: Hey. How could your intern, Lisa, sleep with him?
Elliot: She's a tramp with no morals.
Lisa: I never slept with the Todd. [scoffs]
Elliot: Lisa is sweet and people don't give her a chance.
Quote from Carla
Carla: I wonder who else Todd lied about sleeping with?
Nurse #1: I didn't sleep with him.
Nurse #2: God, no.
Nurse #3: Are you kidding me?
Gloria: Todd? Is he the big black security guard with the hook hand?
Elliot: Uh, no.
Gloria: Then no.
Quote from J.D.
Mr. Bradford: So am I ever getting out?
Dr. Cox: We haven't found you a kidney yet, but I have some ideas.
[fantasy: J.D. finds himself in an ice bath. When he looks up, Mr. Bradford is holding a kidney while Dr. Cox holds a scalep:]
Mr. Bradford: Yeah, this will do.
J.D.: Ah, what the hell. [stands up] I can live with one kidney.
Dr. Cox: 'Cause we'll probably just go 'head and sell this one.
[J.D. looks down and sees two incisions. He passes out.]
J.D.: Stay away from my organs.