‘My Comedy Show’
Season 8, Episode 10 - Aired February 10, 2009
When J.D. and Turk host a comedy show at the hospital, they learn what their colleagues think of their relationship. After the Janitor witnesses an embarrassing moment of hers, Carla tries to make him feel like he's losing his mind. Meanwhile, Elliot tells Denise to get out of the hospital more.
Quote from J.D.
J.D.: [v.o.] Like most hospitals, Sacred Heart makes their interns put on a sketch show roasting the senior staff. It was never any good, but this year it would be.
J.D.: Okay, people, before we begin, you need to accept one simple truth. We are funny, and you are not.
Turk: Sucks to hear, doesn't it?
J.D.: We will be writing all of your sketches. You're welcome. Let's jump right in. I need two volunteers to go full-frontal. Howie?
Howie: No. I have eczema.
J.D.: Sunny, Denise, maybe rubbing some oil on one another?
Sunny: Yeah, sure, no problem.
Denise: No, not at all.
Quote from Denise
Denise: Hey, will you hand me those blood gas reports, Sonia?
Sunny: You can call me sunny. My dad nicknamed me that because he said I brighten up a room. Of course in college, I had a few dark years. My car was stolen. I had three- Was it three? No, four- I had four abortions. I'm joking.
Denise: I'm gonna kill you with a hammer.
Sunny: [laughs]
Denise: Why are you laughing?
Sunny: 'cause I'm scared. I'm not that strong.