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My Comedy Show

‘My Comedy Show’

Season 8, Episode 10 - Aired February 10, 2009

When J.D. and Turk host a comedy show at the hospital, they learn what their colleagues think of their relationship. After the Janitor witnesses an embarrassing moment of hers, Carla tries to make him feel like he's losing his mind. Meanwhile, Elliot tells Denise to get out of the hospital more.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: Come on. What's going on?
Turk: They're gonna publish my old therapy paper.
J.D.: [v.o.] There it was. He wanted a hug, and I damn sure wanted to give him one. But all we could do was say this...
Both: Congrats.
Turk: Thanks, man.
J.D.: [v.o.] Don't look back. Fight it. Fight it. Damn it, you're only human.
J.D.: Turk!
[Turk runs towards J.D. from the opposite direction]
Turk: I ran all the way around.
[As J.D. and Turk hug, "Guy Love" plays]
J.D.: People are gonna look.
Turk: What people?


Quote from Dr. Kelso

Dr. Kelso: Donny, muffin, please? [catches muffin] Not bran. [catches another] Better. What do you want?
Janitor: I'm getting ready to torture nurse chest whiskers. But it's her word against mine, so I need you to verify yesterday's incident.
Dr. Kelso: What incident? I wasn't even here yesterday.
Janitor: You were there.
Dr. Kelso: Excuse me. [into his muffin] What? Shh. [whispers] He's standing right here.
Janitor: [whispers] Me?
Dr. Kelso: [normal voice] Okay, I'll tell him. My muffin thinks you're crazy, and she wants you to go.
Janitor: [normal voice] You tell your muffin that I think she's crazy. Maybe she should go.
Dr. Kelso: No.
Janitor: What is happening to me? [exits]
Carla: [to Dr. Kelso] Nice job.

Quote from Elliot

Elliot: Oh, my god, Caitlin, that baby's beautiful. [sniffs] Ham baby.

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Carla: Mm. What? Oh, hell, no. Gotcha.
Janitor: Holy mackerel.
Carla: Oh, my God. This can't get any worse.
Dr. Kelso: That is one long-ass booby hair.

Quote from Turk

J.D.: Okay, well, then let's cut the leukemia sketch.
Turk: Dude, no! That sketch is gold.
J.D.: Well, if they're not naked, they're just sad and dying. What's funny about that?
Turk: We make 'em British.
J.D.: Good save. It's back in, but only because this man is a comic genius.
Turk: I have been called the black Wayne Brady.

Quote from Elliot

Elliot: Hey, Briana, Mrs. Tarasi. Just wanted to introduce you to Sunny and Denise. They're the interns who'll be covering the floor today.
Briana: Oh, cool. If you guys give me your cell numbers, I can text you if I need anything?
Mrs. Tarasi: These kids with their texting and their cell phones. Our generation never had that stuff.
Elliot: Yeah. I just kind of feel like, I don't know, there's three generations in the room right now.
Sunny: If you want to instant message me, my screen name is SunnyHoneyBunny.
Denise: Of course it is.
Mrs. Tarasi: Do you have teenagers?
Elliot: How old do you think I am?!

Quote from Denise

Elliot: Okay, Briana, your chest x-ray looks good. We should be able to get you home tomorrow. I'm just gonna go talk to your mom about some changes in your medication.
Sunny: Aren't moms the greatest? My mom bought me these scrubs last week just because. Oh, and this morning I found this little note. It says, "you're super special."
Denise: If that's what moms do, I'm glad I never met mine.

Quote from Denise

Briana: I love my mom, but I wish she would ease up a little. I mean, I know I'm sick, but not all the time, And she still never lets me leave the house. You know, I've never had a date. It's like she's so freaked out about me dying that she won't let me have a life.
[Sunny tries to give Briana her mom's cheerful note]
Denise: She doesn't want your stupid note.
Sunny: You don't know that.

Quote from Elliot

Elliot: Briana should totally get to live her life. I'm gonna go talk to her mom. But you guys gotta do me a favor. She's really starting to get in my head With this whole "we're the same age" thing. So I'm just gonna start throwing out numbers, and you guys stop me whenever I get to the age you think I look like, okay? 22, 23, 24, 25, 25, 25- You know what? This is a really stupid game, okay? Aren't you guys late for some sketch show?

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Howie: Hey, I'm the Todd. Wow, looks like we got a full house. I got a full house in my pants. Boom!
Katie: [British accent] Hello, I'm Dr. Beardface.
J.D.: I was up all night sewing.
Dr. Beardfacé: My beard is only this big.
Dr. Kelso: Lighten up, Seymour. I took my lumps.

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