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My Best Moment

‘My Best Moment’

Season 4, Episode 12 - Aired December 7, 2004

As they group reminisce about their best moments in medicine, J.D. recalls the time he treated a young father who hoped to be discharged in time to spend Christmas with his son.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] Why does it seem like every time I take a stand, everything turns to crap?
Elliot: I gave that kid some money and sent him outside the hospital, and now I can't find him.
J.D.: I'm sorry, what?
Turk: Kelso said, no insurance, you gotta stabilize the guy and then bounce him.
J.D.: You gotta be kidding me.
Dr. Cox: I'll tell you what, in about ten more minutes none of this is gonna matter, because this guy's circling the drain.
J.D.: Why are you sick?


Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] I can't figure this out. Maybe if we tried stress-dosed steroids? I think I'll tell Dr. Cox that.
J.D.: I can't figure this out. Maybe if we tried stress-dosed steroids?
Dr. Cox: Or maybe we could just fill a syringe with false promises and inject him with that. Hmm. Says here you already got that one covered.
J.D.: You know, try and discourage me all you want, because kites fly highest against the wind.
Dr. Cox: What?
J.D.: I'm a kite! I'm a big, beautiful kite! Fly!

Quote from Carla

J.D.: You know what? I wonder if Mr. Milligan could receive any blunt trauma without realizing it?
Carla: Wrestling. Remember? He said his kid dropped him with a power kick.
J.D.: Kids can kick pretty hard. Maybe he ruptured his spleen?
Dr. Cox: Get a stat abdominal CT. Great catch there, Carla.
Carla: Thank you.

Quote from Elliot

Tyler: So, how did you stop being scared?
Elliot: I just realized that people here need me to be brave. Just like your dad needs you to be brave for his operation.
Tyler: Can I hold his hand?
Elliot: They're not actually very big on that.
Tyler: Can I at least watch?
Elliot: Are you sure?

Quote from Carla

Carla: You wanna know what I think?
Dr. Cox: No.
Carla: I think you know how good a doctor J.D. is, and whether you admit it or not, you have a great personal stake in his future. So don't pretend for one second that all this attention you throw at him is just for him, because it's also for you. As your friend, I'm telling you that if you want him to keep growing you ought to back off of him once in a while.
Dr. Cox: Carla.
Carla: And don't say anything, because you know I'm right and my jeans do look good.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] None of us wanted to say what we were thinking: How vulnerable we felt.
So we all just stood around, pretending to work, and waited for someone to come through that door and tell us how this was gonna end.
Turk: Who's the man.
J.D.: All right, you guys, we still got a lot of work to do. Turk, why don't you go check the post-op films in radiology. And Carla will transfuse back to a hemoglobin ten. And Elliot, why don't you take Tyler and go get us all ice cream immediately. I'm gonna go check on him. You wanna come?
Dr. Cox: No. No, you got it.
J.D.: [v.o.] It's amazing how one patient can affect so many people.

Quote from J.D.

Reuben: Dr. Dorian? What was your best moment in medicine?
J.D.: My best moment? Well, there was this guy.
Elliot: [talking to the Janitor] He had the most amazing little kid.
Carla: [to Nurse Roberts] And the doctors actually listened to me.
Turk: [to the Todd] I knocked the surgery right out the park.
Dr. Kelso: [on the phone] And I decided to pull some strings for the guy.
Dr. Cox: [to a bartender] And honest to God, I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it myself, but Newbie handled the whole thing wire to wire.
J.D.: And I kept my promise. Because the two of them got home in time for Christmas. And that was my best moment in medicine.

Quote from Dr. Cox

[Dr. Cox reminisces about his best moment in medicine: He trying to hit paper into a trash can outfitted with a hoop. When a man chokes, Dr. Cox Heimlichs him and ejects the chewing gum out and into a woman's mouth. He then Heimlichs her and the chewing gum is sent flying into the trash can:]
Dr. Cox: Woo! Let's see anybody else make that shot! Huh? Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy! Who's your daddy?

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