Dr. Molly Clock Quotes Page 1 of 4    

Quote from My Best Laid Plans

J.D.: [v.o.] So Molly's back in town. She definitely wants me.
Dr. Molly Clock: [on the phone] Bye. How you doing, J.J.?
J.D.: It's J.D.
Dr. Molly Clock: Oh, right. I was just thinking of that Jimmie Walker sitcom.
J.D.: Good Times?
Dr. Molly Clock: Not great. My sister had a miscarriage.


Quote from My Common Enemy

Dr. Kelso: Dr. Clock, you don't have to miss your wedding. I was lying about shift-switching. I like doing it, I like saying it. Shift-switching. And I only lied because we were trying to destroy your morale.
Dr. Molly Clock: Why would you do that?
Dr. Cox: Well, in our defense, you're overly cheery and we were bored.
Dr. Molly Clock: But you thought it would be nice to come clean and make me feel better?
Dr. Kelso: Pretty much.
Dr. Cox: Pretty much, yeah.
Dr. Molly Clock: See, I told you there's good in everyone. If you'll excuse me, boys, I've got a plane to catch.
Dr. Cox: Don't even pretend like you knew what we were doing all along.
[A black car pulls up behind Dr. Cox and Dr. Kelso and honks its horn. When they turn back around, Molly is now wearing a sombrero]
Dr. Molly Clock: Adios, boys.
Dr. Cox: Was she always wearing that big hat?

Quote from My New Game

Dr. Molly Clock: See, I think as a psychiatrist that I should be there when Miss Myers' bandages get removed, because her accident was traumatic enough. But with reconstructive facial surgery on top of that? In my professional opinion: Yikes!
Dr. Cox: Honey, if you are coming in, I just might go ahead and phone up my pool-man and my architect so we can populate the room with just as many useless people as possible.
Dr. Molly Clock: Great. My mom's in town, should I call her?

Quote from My Old Friend's New Friend

J.D.: [v.o.] Not only was Dr. Clock easy on the eyes, but apparently she was an excellent shrink.
Dr. Molly Clock: Mr. Witcomb is in the middle of a psychotic break from self-discontinuation of his meds, so we need to get him on Haloperidol IV stat.
J.D.: [v.o.] But I also heard she was a little spacy.
Dr. Molly Clock: So where were we?
J.D.: Um, we weren't talking.
Dr. Molly Clock: Was it 'cause of something you did, 'cause I am totally over it. I don't even remember what it was.
J.D.: No, I mean like we've never talked ever.
Dr. Molly Clock: Well how do I know your name, then?
J.D.: You don't.
Dr. Molly Clock: You're freakin' me out, Jimmy.
J.D.: It's Johnny.
J.D.: [v.o.] Why would you say "Johnny"? You hate "Johnny"!
Dr. Molly Clock: Now I'm gonna commit it to my memory forever. Johnny, Johnny, Johnny.
J.D.: [v.o.] Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!
Dr. Molly Clock: Okay, Johnny.
J.D.: [v.o.] Dammit!

Quote from My Old Friend's New Friend

J.D.: Mr. Radford, if you keep turning down physical therapy, you're never gonna be strong enough to get out of this bed.
Mr. Radford: I'm tired. I know you are, but I would love it if you'd at least try.
Mr. Blass: [sings] "And I would do anything for love, but I won't do that. No, I won't do that."
J.D.: Haunting.
Dr. Molly Clock: Drink your juice, Mr. Blass. Mr. Blass has Pick's disease, which is similar to presentation to multi-infarct dementia. Anyhoo, he likes to sing when he gets up in the morning, and the weird thing is, Johnny, he actually captures the mood of the room.

Quote from My Old Friend's New Friend

Elliot: I'm sorry. Look, um... You wouldn't understand.
Dr. Molly Clock: No, I get it. I mean, you're feeling lonely, you're feeling rejected. I mean, most people around here won't talk to me, and even Johnny won't take my help.
Elliot: Who's Johnny?
Dr. Molly Clock: You know, he's a resident, he's got like gelled-up hair, and he and his friends are in a motorcycle gang?
Elliot: I knew it!
Dr. Molly Clock: You know what, Elliot, you act like everyone's boxing you out, but you wouldn't even get a cup of coffee with me. Peace out, baby.
Elliot: Why is everybody saying that?

Quote from My Common Enemy

Dr. Kelso: Dr. Clock, do you have a minute?
Dr. Molly Clock: Sure. I was just talking to Dr. Bromberg about switching shifts so that I can go to Mexico for my mom's wedding. I am so psyched. She is getting married to this guy that has been like a father to me since I was this big. Actually, maybe I was this big... How tall was I in fourth grade?

Quote from My Old Friend's New Friend

J.D.: [v.o.] Today feels like one of those great days in the hospital. People really seem to be getting to know each other.
Dr. Molly Clock: Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob, Bob.
Dr. Kelso: Fantastic. Get off my face.

Quote from My Old Friend's New Friend

Carla: Where's your food?
Dr. Molly Clock: Oh, shoot.
Carla: Look, Elliot, we'll do something later this week, just the two of us.
Elliot: Okay.
Dr. Molly Clock: Oh, that is not my food. But I'm not getting up again.
Elliot: Oh, I wouldn't.
Dr. Molly Clock: Chicken salad! Oh, yeeah. Looks good.

Quote from My Old Friend's New Friend

Dr. Molly Clock: Anyway, Johnny, I was noticing that you were having some trouble motivating your patient back in there, and I actually published a paper on motivation methodology in post-operative seniors, so, if you want, I could help.
J.D.: What floor?
Dr. Molly Clock: Oh, my god, we're on an elevator.

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