Denise Mahoney Quotes     Page 10 of 10

Quote from Our Driving Issues

Denise: You brought us here to make us talk? That's ridiculous.
Dr. Cox: About as ridiculous as your five o'clock shadow. Honest to God, there are so times during rounds when I look over at you and it's like I'm teaching Yasser Arafat.
Denise: Really? I see a slightly gayer George Michael.
Dr. Cox: Oh, so see that.


Quote from Our Thanks

Denise: What are you cooking? I can smell it from next door.
Drew: It's a Wild Mushroom and Shrimp Risotto I learned to make while working at a hostel in Naples.
Denise: Risotto that's gay for rice, right?
Drew: Yeah. Shrimp's gay for chicken.

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