Quote from J.D. in My Comedy Show
J.D.: Okay, try and believe in us, guys. This thing has not been funny for eight years, when we were interns. [flashback to Turk dancing, dressed like Laverne:][ Turk: [falsetto singing] I love Jesus and Jesus loves me. One, two, three, Jesus! Nurse Roberts: I sure do love me some, Jesus. Carla: I know, Laverne. J.D.: You rang? Turk: The messiah, ladies and gentlemen! The messiah. J.D.: Shalom and nanu nanu, my friends. Nurse Roberts: Oh, hell, no! J.D.: Ruh-roh. [Nurse Roberts tackles J.D.] Turk: There will be a 20-minute intermission. [present:] J.D.: I never saw her coming. She was killed in a car accident. I miss her. Anyway, let's be funny... for her.