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Quote from Carla in My Saving Grace

Carla: Look, Katie, I've seen all kinds of people come through this place. Tall, short, gay, straight, smart, weird The point is, this childish, self-centered attitude you keep throwing everyone's way is nothing new.
Katie: You know what's really driving me crazy? You keep acting like you know me.
Carla: Don't bother with the sob story. I've been here a long time, I've heard it all before.
Katie: Really? Because my dad died when I was six, and to cope, my mom drank herself through most of my childhood. No one ever did anything for me. I've always had to do it for myself.
Carla: [downbeat] Oh, Katie.
Katie: I know.
Carla: [upbeat] Heard it! Me, dead mom. J.D., dead dad. Elliot, emotionally abusive parents. Dr. Cox, emotionally and physically abusive dead parents, which he may have killed. No one's sure. Look, Katie, now that you're here It doesn't matter what crap you have in your past. All that matters is that you leave it there. Because this hospital is your home now and these people are your family. And I can tell you they will love you unconditionally if you let them. But if you don't, they... Check that. We will eat you alive.

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