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Quote from J.D. in My Number One Doctor

J.D.: Why are you guys so obsessed with re-living everything you won?
Dr. Cox: 'Cause we're winners. That's what winners do.
J.D.: [v.o.] Back to Turk for confirmation. [Turk nods] Dammit!
Dr. Cox: If you'd ever won anything, you'd know what we're talking about.
J.D.: Oh, I've won something, Perry.
[flashback to J.D. on the shoulders of a bunch of jocks:]
Jock: We threw our nerd further than yours.
J.D.: Suck it, bitch! Guys, I think their nerd is unconscious. We should probably roll him over.
J.D.: That's the moment I realized I wanted to be a doctor.

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