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Quote from J.D. in My Growing Pains

Turk: I missed this man. If I'm not at work, I'm taking care of Izzy. I feel like I don't get to roll with you or just do goofy stuff.
J.D.: It's just that when I have Sam I'm so busy, you know. We're up at six, I feed him, I bathe him, then it's poopy time, and then it's his poopy time.
Turk: But that's why we need to get this two together right away. They need to get married so we can hang all the time.
J.D.: There's no guarantees, Turk. The other day, I had Sam in the hospital, and when Dr. Cox brought in his daughter, he definitely turned his head. Okay, I turned it. But I can tell he wanted me to. [as Sam] There's plenty of fish in the sea, girl. I don't need you. Like look at that. You are hot, baby! What is going on over there? I want to hit that. I want to spank it good. I like to spank it, I want to give it to you. [to a mother] I'm sorry. Kids, huh? I'll talk to him.

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