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Quote from Turk in My Perspective

J.D.: Brown bear, thanks for spending much time with me lately. I just feel my whole life's in the crapper.
Turk: Nah, man, you'll turn this around.
J.D.: There goes Buzz and Donna, off to the marriage counselor. Buzz feels inadequate because he lost his job at Foot Locker. Now he's dingle on one work.
Turk: I should not have given you the spy equipment for your birthday.
J.D.: Are you kidding me? I need it, so I know when I can sneak over and use the can. And by the way, I'm using the front bathroom now, because it has a hook on the door so I can hang up my pants.
Turk: Hah! You finally started listening to me?
J.D.: You're right, my friend. Man is the only animal that wears pants during twosies.
Turk: It's so unnatural.

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