Quote from J.D. in My Five Stages
Dr. Cox: Can you believe the huevos on that Hedrick? Holy cow. It's like we've never had a patient die on us before. I gotta put this bag in the trunk. J.D.: [v.o.] I was in the Porsche. I had never made it into the Porsche. It smelled like German heaven. I wasn't gonna blow this opportunity. I had to be careful about every little- Hey, a root beer. Dr. Cox: Don't open that soda. It has been rolling around the floor for months. It will explode. J.D.: Apparently, you're not familiar with the John Dorian three-tap method. Three taps and the foam goes bye-bye. [taps, opens can] Works every time. [The can suddenly explodes, spraying huge amounts of foam for an improbable ten seconds, completely coating the inside of Dr. Cox's windshield and soaking Dr. Cox and J.D.] J.D.: Ahh! The quickest way to my house is to take Elm.