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Quote from J.D. in My Five Stages

Dr. Hendrick: Mrs. Wilk, I'm Dr. Hedrick. Now, it sounds cliched, but you're gonna go through "The Five Stages of Grief," which are: Denial, anger, bargaining, depression and finally, acceptance. Now, I assume that you two have already entered into a conversation with Mrs. Wilk about what the process of dying is gonna be like.
Dr. Cox: We were doing it before you came in.
Dr. Hendrick: Oh, I'm sorry. Then please, continue.
Dr. Cox: All right, we will. Newbie, go.
J.D.: [stammering] Oh, okay. Well, well, yeah. Um... Okay, death is like a journey. Uh, a journey in a boat. And, uh, then this giant light shines down on your "boat" and, uh, carries you up to the heavens.
Dr. Hendrick: That was the ending to Cocoon.
J.D.: Take it away, Coxie.

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