Quote from Janitor in My Best Laid Plans
Janitor: Gentlemen, crazy eyes Margo, I've called the brain trust together for one reason. I have to find a way to make blonde doctor mine. Randall: Burn down her apartment. Troy: I have an idea, but we're gonna need a tugboat. Janitor: Tugboats and arson, that's all I ever get from you guys. We call this a brain trust, and I'm the one with all the solutions. I saved you from that eagle, Randall. I saved your job, Troy. And, Margo, I found your birth mother. She was a tree person, remember? There's no shame in that. Sorry, guys, but I've had enough. I'm afraid I have to find a new brain trust. [to Todd, Ted and Doug] Gentlemen I don't want to appear selfish, but stop what you're doing and focus on me.