Quote from Elliot in My Best Moment
Carla: Hey, Elliot? Would you keep an eye on Tyler, here, while we take care of his dad? Elliot: Hi! Yeah, I'm not that great with kids. They've got such tiny hands. It's creepy. Carla: I'm leaving now. Tyler: My dad's in the ICU. What does that mean? Elliot: Well, uh, Tyler, that stands for "Intensive Care Unit." It's where we put our patients who need extra care, like somebody who might need help breathing because their lung collapsed, or maybe they had a brain aneurysm, which is basically when a vessel ruptures and then blood pours into the... You know what, forget it. You wanna go see someone who's worse off than your dad? We call him The Head in the Bed! [As Tyler holds out his hand, ominous music plays. Elliot reluctantly takes the kid's hand]