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Quote from J.D. in My Last Chance

J.D.: Hey, Molly. It's your last night, you wanna grab a beer or something?
Dr. Molly Clock: J.D., I have to tell you something.
J.D.: Oh, no, did someone you know die from beer?
Dr. Molly Clock: No one can die from beer.
[flashback to a younger J.D. and Turk up on the roof of a building with a girl and another guy who's sitting on the ledge:]
Shinski: Hey, yo, J.D., toss me a beer, man.
J.D.: Comin' at you, Shinski.
[Shinski falls off the roof as he tries to catch the beer J.D. tossed to him]
J.D.: People can die from beer, Molly. Shinski didn't, but our friendship did.

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