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Quote from Dr. Molly Clock in My Old Friend's New Friend

J.D.: Mr. Radford, if you keep turning down physical therapy, you're never gonna be strong enough to get out of this bed.
Mr. Radford: I'm tired. I know you are, but I would love it if you'd at least try.
Mr. Blass: [sings] "And I would do anything for love, but I won't do that. No, I won't do that."
J.D.: Haunting.
Dr. Molly Clock: Drink your juice, Mr. Blass. Mr. Blass has Pick's disease, which is similar to presentation to multi-infarct dementia. Anyhoo, he likes to sing when he gets up in the morning, and the weird thing is, Johnny, he actually captures the mood of the room.

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