Quote from Todd in My Tormented Mentor
Todd: Hot Doc, 3 o'clock. I mean 5 o'clock. Over there. Turk: Todd. Todd, let's get off on the right foot. Dr. Miller: Hey, it might just be 'cause my expectations are low, but you guys did not suck in surgery yesterday. Todd: Well, as long as your expectations are low, maybe we should have sex. Turk: Perfect. Dr. Miller: I'm concerned about you. I think you hold us women responsible for the fact that your mommy didn't pay attention to you, and if you don't get help, you'll eventually start picking up prostitutes and killing them. Elliot: I've always wanted to say that to him! Dr. Miller: Well, now you don't have to. Ha-ha-ha. Todd: She just talked to me like I'm an idiot. Turk: Hot chick, 12 o'clock. [Todd looks up at the ceiling]