Quote from J.D. in My Student
Carla: Relax. It's just one mistake. J.D.: Yes, Carla! They're each one mistake, but when you put 'em all together, it makes, like, four million mistakes. Carla: Did you just snap at me? Because I think he just snapped at me. J.D.: I'm sorry. Carla: Yeah, you are. J.D.: Carla, I gotta go home. Nurse Roberts: Hold it, Q-Tip. You have to co-sign all these orders, fill out a vascular consult on bed three and get a tox screen for Mrs. O'Brien. J.D.: No, no, but Josh did all this. Nurse Roberts: Uh-uh, honey, I don't think so. [fantasy: J.D. Hulks out:] J.D.: Mrs. O'Brien, I'm afraid I'm gonna need a urine sample.