Quote from Janitor in My Comedy Show
Janitor: Unfortunately, milady, I saw what I saw. You either plucked a giant hair, or you have mini chest snakes. Carla: Maybe you're just imagining things, like that time you thought you'd built a giant sand castle in the parking lot, or the time you said you hung J.D. up like a flag, totally defying the laws of physics. Janitor: I did those things. Carla: Did you? Janitor: At least I thought I- Head games aren't gonna work on me. Unfortunately for you, I have a photographic memory. For instance, I arrived here yesterday at 7:45 a.m. At 7:50 a.m., I took a nap. At 2:45 p.m., I awoke to find you plucking a comically large hair off of your baby feeder. I then took my afternoon nap, then I went on break, and then I went home. Couldn't sleep a wink. Damndest thing. Carla: Sad. Janitor: Stop walking away from me. And now I'm sleepy again.