Quote from Janitor in My Manhood
Dr. Cox: Hey, Mop For Brains, I was reading your paper online while I was on the toilet and- Yeah, I squat and surf. Janitor: Oh, it's the best. Dr. Cox: Anyway, did you happen to notice what one of your so-called correspondents put on there? Janitor: "Dr. Cox admitted that his callous outer shell is just protecting a fragile inner core of sadness. 'If I seem angry, I'm really just wishing people would give me a warm hug or pat me on the back and say, I'm right with you, man!'" Yeah, I did happen to catch that, while I was writing it. Dr. Cox: I never gave you an interview. Janitor: I don't see that that's relevant. Dr. Cox: Why am I even bothering with this? Nobody ever believes what you put on these things anyway. Janitor: Really? People believe everything they see online. "Apples linked to hair loss." And post. [Ted spits out apple] I'm kidding, Ted.