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Quote from Janitor in My Number One Doctor

Lady: Oh, hi. Are we going out? What's with the jumpsuit?
Janitor: Oh. Okay, first of all if we're gonna make it, not a jumpsuit. Shirt, belt, pants.
Lady: Oh. Ok.
Janitor: Secondly, I think it's time that you knew the real me. All right, here we go. I'm not like normal people. I don't have superpowers, but I'm working on it. For instance, watch me move this pen. [looks at pen, which doesn't move] It worked at home. I don't know. Maybe my table is slanted. Um, anyway, in my spare time, I also enjoy stuffing animals. Usually with other animals. For instance, a badger will hold five squirrels. A squirrel will hold most of a cat. A mouse will hold a shrew and a vole. You get the idea. Circle of life. I have broken the sound barrier, but you must never ask me how. I don't believe in the moon. I think it's just the back of the sun.
Dr. Kelso: Ha! I love a good train wreck.
Janitor: Furthermore, I think if you look closely a monkey-
Carla: Stop it, you. She doesn't know you're joking.

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