Quote from Todd in Their Story
Turk: I'm sorry but that mother should not be giving her little girl a breast implant for her sweet sixteen present. Todd: So she's sixteen. What's the big deal, T. Dog? Turk: Well, I have a daughter. Imagine being a parent. [fantasy: a salt and pepper-haired Todd is reading a newspaper in his banana-hammock when his similarly-dressed son comes to talk to him:] Rod: Dad, can I talk to you? Todd: What's up? Rod: I don't want to wear a banana hammock anymore. Todd: Rod why? Rod: Because I stuff. Todd: Wanna know a secret? Rod: I stuff too. [The Scrubs sad theme plays as the almost naked father and son hug] [reality:] Todd: I don't stuff. Snoop Dogg Resident: Maybe you should.