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Quote from Dr. Kelso in His Story IV

Dr. Kelso: [v.o.] All my little worker bees, buzzing buzz... buzz... buzz... I love making that sound. Buzz. Dr. Reid. Ever since she quit the hospital for private practice, you've pretended she's invisible. So don't break, stride. Ker-blamo!
Elliot: Hey!
Dr. Kelso: Skiddle-a-dee, skiddle-a-doo!
Nurse Roberts: Dr. Kelso.
Dr. Kelso: [v.o.] Well, if it isn't, Nurse Buzzkill.
Dr. Kelso: Good morning, nurse Roberts.
Nurse Roberts: Carla's gone another week. We need a substitute Head Nurse.
Dr. Kelso: Laverne, from now on if you need something just take care of it yourself. In fact, all of you should hear this. I believe that it was Robin Zander of "Cheap Trick", who said "I want you to want me". Well, if I sang that song it would go "I don't want you to want me".
Dr. Kelso: [v.o.] Skiddle-a-dee, skiddle-a-doo!

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