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Quote from Dr. Cox in My Last Chance

Carla: I wuv your widdle outfit.
Dr. Cox: Now listen, you. Riding in an ambulance takes care of my community service, so I'm doing two shifts back-to-back, I'm gonna knock this whole thing out in a single day. Besides, how bad can it be?
Denise: Howdy, partner! Name's Denise Lemon. Looks like we got ourselves a little ambu-date. That's "ambulance" and "date" put together. I got a million of those! [laughs]
Carla: I am loving this.
Denise: Hey, uh, hon, before you hop in there, could you do me a little favoroony and check the windshield wiper? I think I got something caught up there.
Dr. Cox: Yeah. No problem. I got it. [Denise turns the siren on]
Denise: I always get the Newbies with that one! [laughs] Got you! You know it!
Dr. Cox: [to Carla] When they strap me in the chair, please let them know the murder was just.

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