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Quote from Dr. Molly Clock in My Common Enemy

Dr. Kelso: Dr. Clock, you don't have to miss your wedding. I was lying about shift-switching. I like doing it, I like saying it. Shift-switching. And I only lied because we were trying to destroy your morale.
Dr. Molly Clock: Why would you do that?
Dr. Cox: Well, in our defense, you're overly cheery and we were bored.
Dr. Molly Clock: But you thought it would be nice to come clean and make me feel better?
Dr. Kelso: Pretty much.
Dr. Cox: Pretty much, yeah.
Dr. Molly Clock: See, I told you there's good in everyone. If you'll excuse me, boys, I've got a plane to catch.
Dr. Cox: Don't even pretend like you knew what we were doing all along.
[A black car pulls up behind Dr. Cox and Dr. Kelso and honks its horn. When they turn back around, Molly is now wearing a sombrero]
Dr. Molly Clock: Adios, boys.
Dr. Cox: Was she always wearing that big hat?

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