Quote from Elliot in My Occurrence
Elliot: What do you want me to do, cry? J.D.: Can you do that? Elliot: Sure. Give me a second to think of something sad. J.D.: Quickly. Quickly. Elliot: OK, that's not helping. J.D.: I shouldn't have put you in this position. Elliot: [getting emotional] Oh, there we go. Another man in my life, trying to protect me. J.D.: Stay with it, Elliot. Elliot: Everyone thinks I'm this little girl who can't take any criticism because her mom and dad give her nothing but criticism. J.D.: Good, Elliot, this is good. Elliot: And look where it's gotten me. You know, I'm 26, single and all I do is work. You know, I may as well just give up the idea of being in a healthy and happy relationship and just go ahead and... And... And... J.D.: Become your mother? Elliot: Yeah. [sobbing] Check Mr. Sullivan's tests again. Franklyn: OK.