Moira Quote #387

Quote from Moira in Friends & Family

Ted: Good to see you, Mr. and Mrs. Rose. I take it that Alexis has told you the big news?
Johnny: Big news?
Alexis: Um, well, it wasn't that big a deal, but the other day at work Ted and I went to hug.
Ted: No, uh, actually I was talking about you passing your exams.
Johnny: Honey, you passed!
Moira: Oh, Alexis, what a delightful surprise. Not that I'm surprised. I had nothing but doubts. No doubts. That you could do this.


 ‘Friends & Family’ Quotes

Quote from David

David: I was thinking what if we did like a soft launch. Um, and you know, just test the store out on a small group of people. Did like an exclusive VIP guest list, and offered, you know, a friends and family discount as incentive.
Patrick: Huh, now it's sounding like you don't think people will show.
David: No, I do. I do think, um, that people will come. It's just, you know, I look to like Gwyneth who soft-launched the goop newsletter and now it's a thriving lifestyle publication slash empire, and...
Patrick: I have no idea what you're talking about, but it's up to you.

Quote from David

Jocelyn: Um, David, I need to ask ya a little question about this baggy of Joshua tree tea?
David: Sure.
Jocelyn: Is it drugs?
David: Uh, no. It's loose leaf tea.
Jocelyn: Okay. Because it smells exactly like...
Roland: Oh, come on. Oh, wow. Geez, I didn't realize this place was a front.
David: It's not a front. That is a tea that Mr. Hockley makes out of a greenhouse on his farm. And now that I've said it out loud, I might have to double check.

Quote from Moira

Moira: Wow.
Johnny: David did all this?
Moira: I can't believe it. He's managed to create, in this town, something truly winsome. I would shop here, John. Even without a nagging sense of obligation.